The sound I wanted to have since the start
Winter was something I wanted have and create since my beginning in 2001
'This album was composed early 2010. Now it see the light closer 10 years later. The circle is closed finally'.
"The roots. It's amazing how they adapted that Viking floklore to contemporary rock, pop or electronics. Unleashes a potential for sustainable and balanced talent in all musical styles, I'm very passionate, yes, a lot of root talent. I must confess that during the winter months I am more inspired and it is the stay of the year where I am more productive, maybe that's why. I like Christmas a lot. I have seen great musical productions made during the winter and they have all seemed impressive."
Extract from the Nühn's interview in DJ MAG. 2016
7th Long Play as Nühn_
Written, composed, produced & recorded by Nühn aka Julio Gutiérrez.
Mastered at Scala Studio (Barcelona) Spain
©NühnRecords REF// #010
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