Nühn ● (𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜): January 2024

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Thursday, 18 January 2024

BLCKHL is back soon guys

BLCKHL is straight the modern electronic music Techno scene mostly in Europe. His sets are a courage intentionally old school tracks everywhere he is going to play. Years like the 90s in the grand rave plus songs from "The Prodigy" marks what he is trying to show, the audience could find diversity but not popular tags, it's more than a casually new body speculation on its frontier between crashed old gems and modernistic ideas_

Enter at his site from now:


Sunday, 7 January 2024

Coppergear "The majestic Neo-Classical & Ambient composer"

 In four weeks Nühn presents the majestic composer "Coppergear" (Mathieu Lachance) in a full length album signed by the Nühn company to all of you. This album is a story that marks the recent popular concept onto the post generic disaster in our world dictated by many art works the last thirty years. Is an album that you have to listen complete from the start to the end and get emotional experiences derivated from a dramatic human existence.