Nühn ● (𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜): March 2025

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Monday, 3 March 2025

The independence of music

"The independence of music is based on those people mentally meditative, there is a part of our population that is greatly mental, and finds explanation and meaning in the independence of the music industry by some styles. Some lads are hugely mental and they find the response to those mental phases in their lives they have in those composers and producers of independent music not only in the electronic music. There are many styles of music in the deep space of the music scene and are independent beside popular music, they become followers, listeners, consumers, buyers of these styles by a simple natural connection equitative on mental dynamics. For example the techno music is as well on that deep space of the music industry became independent by nature, but techno is different, it has the principle base of any future genre, the harmonic dynamic and rhythm also structure is the base for many styles of music that will comes, styles created mentally meditative  as well or not so."

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Current program

These days do not fit with the huge management of the label, the current program on the main website will be published regularly by month, not by week, we apologize.